? ??????????????Light Show? ????? ?? ???Rating: 4.5 (39 Ratings)??915 Grabs Today. 46675 Total Grabs. ????
??Preview?? | ??Get the Code?? ?? ?????Future Stars Will Be Dim? ????? ?? ???Rating: 4.7 (7 Ratings)??854 Grabs Today. 9081 Total Grabs. ??????Preview?? | ??Get the Code?? ?? ??????? BLOGGER TEMPLATES AND TWITTER BACKGROUNDS ?

Friday, May 1, 2009

To you 2009 GRADUATES out there

I usually don't ever have anything too exciting to do over the weekend except tend to my dawggie and husband, but this weekend we're taking a small family road trip to his home town for his lil' sister's high school graduation. He's from Junction City, KS. I know that doesn't mean much to you big cities out there, but it's a small humble military town based on Fort Riley. The cool thing about traveling to his home town is... it's 2 hours away. Yess!!

I know there's alot of high school graduations this year that many people are tending too, like Soggy Bloggy and her daughter The Water Bottle.. =0) Those are blogs btw. My boss's youngest nephew are graduating and suppose to be my little cousin also but he hasn't decided if wants to leave high school yet or not, so we're still working on him.

I don't have anything important to say about starting your life, but all I know it involves alot of thinking. So be ready to use some parts of your brain that normally don't come into play till' around this time. If you go away to school, keep active, stay happy and remember to have fun. School is serious, but not THAT serious. If your not doing the school thing, then start doing SOMETHING. Starting off being a LOAF isn't very life fulfilling. And when you start that something, make it into what makes you happy. Find zeal in doing what you love. If you can turn that into money, then hell: so be it.

2001 I graduated from High school... when did you all?


Tuesday Taylor said...

None ya (read: business). Dahh-yumm, girl, you're just a baby!

Grace said...

Class of 2002 Babyeeeee!

Desert Rat said...

How old do I feel? OK, OK, 19.....95.
I always say go to college right after high school because you will wish you had later but you'll be working full-time and will no longer have time but you will consistantly say for some years...I would like to go back to school. Besides I say go to college pass with grads like Bush did, have fun and party like Bush did and just know that will be enough to get you a diploma and have a trade (you could still become the president like Bush did)

Have a great road trip weekend!

Unknown said...

That is soooo awesome! What a great dedication to all the graduates. The Water Bottle is going to Grad Night tonight she won't be back untill wee early tomorrow. She read this also and said to say thanks. I am sure she will catcha when she has gotten some sleep
Have a safe trip to your sis' graduation

I gradumacated i '90

Mrs. Mary Mack said...

1998! Damn....Im old.

Bon Don said...

solid advice girl!!

class of: 1995

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